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Elisa Jouannet

Anxiety & Yoga

Photo du rédacteur: ElywabyElywaby

'' Let the river of fear run through you for you to really get curious about it and let yourself feel it as fully as possible '' ✨

- Meghan Currie, Yoga teacher and artist

What does this quote inspire you?

How do you manage to sit with your fears and let the emotion travel through you?

I recently had the chance to get some shiatsu sessions and...damm... what a pain ! the deepest and most intense pain I ever felt ! really, it was a lot.

Thanks to the care and attention of the therapist, thanks to my yoga practice and my will to free my body from these stored tensions, I was breathing deeply and let all go




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Photographies originales Bonzonino Production© 

ou d'Elisa Jouannet


Elisa reconnaît les cultures traditionnelles,

l’infinie abondance et l'interdépendance du Vivant,

et la légitimité qui circule en chaque être.


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Tous les êtres reliés.

Nous sommes, connecté.es.


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+33 (0)6 70 80 06 05


Elisa Jouannet © 2023

Cours de Yoga particuliers à Albi. Pratiques somatiques. Yoga non-postural Albi. Yoga informé sur le trauma Albi. Yoga trauma albi. Cours de Yoga individuels, cours de Yoga en entreprise à Albi.

Yoga Albi | Albi Yoga.

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